Closed: IPASA Basic Education Early Grades Funders Research

The Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa (IPASA) is looking to contract a Basic Education Research Consultant to conduct research on Basic Education funders, specifically funders who support early grade initiatives. The main objective of this research is to enable IPASA to gain an evidence-based understanding of the Basic Education funding sector in South Africa.

The purpose of the research is to:

  1. Generate data that will assist funders to follow evidence-based funding approaches, which will assist them to enhance the focus and efficiency of their funding; and
  2. Enable IPASA to enhance its convenings and discussions on opportunities for Basic Education funders to collaborate and to catalyse systemic change.

The closing date for applications is 17 March 2023. Download the Terms of Reference for more information.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet ante arcu. Cras risus nisi, pretium eu lectus sed, maximus bibendum tellus. Phasellus pulvinar nisi ullamcorper, molestie elit condimentum, ullamcorper neque. Quisque nunc odio, aliquam et lobortis vitae, venenatis finibus nulla. Curabitur euismod augue eget lacus hendrerit, sed tincidunt ante pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis non tempor magna. 

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