The Experience of a Senior ELOM Trainer

Palesa Chauke is an occupational therapist and senior ELOM trainer who is doing a Master’s degree in Paediatrics and Early Learning. Palesa reflects on her experience as a senior ELOM trainer.


“The ELOM assessments provided me with valuable insight into data collection—specifically, how data is gathered and how training on the tool is conducted. As occupational therapists, we are trained in assessment techniques and the use of standardised tools. Observing this process in action was truly remarkable. One of the most meaningful experiences for me this year was participating in the ELOM-D training, particularly the inclusion of sign language, as I am also in the process of learning it.”

Being a senior ELOM trainer has also helped Palesa gain financial independence; “The supplementary income I receive has been significantly beneficial, as I work part-time as an occupational therapist with limited hours. This opportunity has enabled me to cover my master’s tuition expenses entirely on my own. Furthermore, my younger sister has just begun her first year of studies, and I am now in a position to support her financially as well.”


“The training in the ELOM-D was an extraordinary experience, particularly in the context of research, where inclusivity is a key principle. While there is ongoing discourse on the importance of accommodating all learners, the deaf community has historically been marginalised in educational assessments. It was truly remarkable to witness how the ELOM was adapted to meet the needs of deaf children, reinforcing the idea that deafness does not equate to an inability to learn. Rather, it is a hearing impairment, not a cognitive limitation or disability.

This experience was profoundly impactful, deepening both my appreciation and understanding of the deaf community. Being in a room surrounded by deaf individuals allowed me to immerse myself in their culture and language, further strengthening my connection with and commitment to inclusive education.”


“I utilised the 2021 Thrive by Five Index as a foundational resource for my master’s literature review, drawing upon its reports to critically examine key issues. My research sought to identify existing challenges and gaps, particularly in understanding why certain children are not thriving. From an occupational therapy perspective, the relevance of this Index was particularly significant, as it is rooted in the South African context. The tool was developed with a deep understanding of local conditions and the specific needs of South African children, making it highly applicable to my study. This alignment with my research focus further motivated me to explore it in greater depth.”

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