4 & 5 Years Targeting Tool

Identifies children who may be experiencing developmental delays, so that appropriate, targeted support can be provided.


The ELOM 4 & 5 Years Targeting Tool is a short form of the ELOM 4&5 Assessment. It may be used by various stakeholders to identify children aged 50-69 months who are in particular need of early learning support.

Please note, this tool was not designed to screen children with learning disabilities or developmental delay and cannot be used for that purpose. It simply offers a relatively quick and easy way of identifying children who may be falling far behind the expected standard for their age. These children can then be referred for further assessment and, if necessary, remedial support.

The tool uses one item from each of the five domains in ELOM’s 4 & 5 Year Assessment:
  • Gross Motor DevelopmentThis domain looks at the child’s ability to control the large muscles of the body
  • Fine Motor Development and Visual Motor IntegrationThis domain looks at the child’s ability to control small muscles and coordinate small movements with visual information perceived by the eyes
  • Emergent Numeracy and MathematicsThis domain looks at early math skills, such as the ability to understand number concepts, symbols, shapes, and size
  • Cognition and Executive FunctioningThis domain looks at the child’s ability to stay focused, think critically, solve problems, form concepts, attend to instructions, and control impulses
  • Emergent Literacy and LanguageThis domain looks at the child’s ability to communicate effectively. This includes their ability to speak in full sentences, recognise the initial sounds of words, name common objects, relay events and listen to and understand stories told to them

The tool is available in all of South Africa’s 11 official languages and is conducted in the child’s home language. This tool is designed to be used by an accredited ELOM assessor or trained professional psychometrist e.g. occupational therapist.


Apply here to use this tool or to access the menu of support options.


This briefing document describes procedures used to construct the ELOM Short Form Targeting Tool, which is a five item version of the full ELOM 4&5.

In constructing the ELOM Targeting Tool, the developers selected items from the ELOM 4&5 that reliably detect children who are at greatest risk of falling far behind the expected standard for their age.


No, the ELOM 4 & 5 Years Targeting Tool was designed to quickly identify individual children within a programme that need additional early learning support.

The tool contains 5 items in a fun game-style format. The children are assessed one at a time, in a quiet, appropriate space at their ECD centre or elsewhere. Data capture is fully digitised using Survey CTO (on an appropriate tablet). Instructions for assessors are colour-coded for ease of use, and stop rules are hard coded into the tool in such a way that if the child does not succeed on a specific item, the system automatically progresses to the next relevant item.

The assessment takes approximately 15 minutes per child.

The tool is designed to be used by an accredited ELOM assessor or trained professional psychometrist e.g. occupational therapist.

Costs depend on the amount of support required from the DataDrive2030 team and a cost estimate is provided once a request is received. We aim to keep the costs as low as possible and to subsidise costs for smaller non-profit organisations to enable their use of the tools.

This tool is available in all of South Africa’s 11 official languages.


The following case studies illustrate how the ELOM 4 & 5 Years Targeting Tool can be used.