ELOM Age Validation Study

Data from the age validation study conducted as part of the ELOM development process. The ELOM 4&5 Assessment Tool was administered to over 1300 children enrolled in public schools at the commencement of their Grade R year. The sample was drawn from five income quintiles in three provinces, and incl

ELOM data includes data on the child's school: School setting (province, rural/urban, traditional), school quintile, and school name. Data on each child includes the child's age, home language, height, and child performance scores collected using the ELOM 4&5 Assessment and the Social-Emotional Rating scales.

These tools allow for both direct assessment of children’s performance as well as a teacher report on the child’s social and emotional functioning and orientation to tasks.

Direct Assessment consists of 23 items measuring indicators of the child’s early development in five domains which are internationally accepted as key learning and developmental areas. These include: Gross motor development, fine motor coordination and visual motor integration, emergent numeracy and mathematics, cognition and executive functioning, and emergent literacy and language.

The child's Task Orientation is rated by the assessor during direct assessment. The child’s capacity for self-care (toileting), relations with peers and adults, and emotional functioning are measured with a Teacher Assessment.

Download the dataset here.

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