Community-based playgroups in low-and-middle-income countries increase access to early learning at lower cost than centers. However, evidence of effectiveness is limited. The effects of one, two, or three playgroup sessions per week on children’s performance on the Early Learning Outcome Measure (ELOM) were investigated using a quasi-experimental design. Data on children’s home learning environments was obtained from primary caregivers, and program staff provided information on playgroup characteristics.
Until provision of quality center-based provision is realized, the study’s findings indicate that well-designed community-based playgroups of sufficient dose, have the potential to improve learning outcomes and school readiness in children from poor households.
Authors: Prof. Andrew Dawes (University of Cape Town), Linda Biersteker (DataDrive2030), Matthew Snelling (Senior Evaluation and Learning Consultant), Jessica Horler (Independent MEL Consultant), Elizabeth Girdwood (DataDrive2030)
Published: 2021 in Early Education and Development journal
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