ELOM in Practice Webinar Series

DataDrive2030 is excited to introduce our new ELOM webinar series: “ELOM in Practice”. Following on from the valued, in-person Community of Practice held with ELOM users in October last year, this series is a response to the request to make the touch points more frequent this year. Approximately every six weeks, we hope to gather online as a community to hear from colleagues who have completed ELOM studies. Our objectives are relatively simple: provide a forum for users to learn from other studies, and share their findings with the sector.

The “ELOM in Practice” webinar series is designed to give insights into the usage of our ELOM suite of early learning measurement tools across organisations. Whether you are an existing ELOM user, or are looking to use the ELOM tools, come join the discussion!

Registration links are shared on DataDrive2030’s LinkedIn page, as well as via our newsletter. 


Upcoming webinar

19 MARCH 2025

Measuring Developmental Change; Modupi Mazibuko, Penreach, and Julie Hay, Singakwenza

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